To the Financial Reboot Content Page. This is all the information one easy place.
Some of the things we will do, you may know, some you won't. But this is the exact process I use on my own finances to reboot my money flow. As sometimes even I, go a little off track, when life gets in the way 😃
For me there has always been three principles to dealing with your finances, increase income, decrease expenses and invest profits. But I've recently increased this to a forth principle, money mindset and clearing your limiting beliefs. This for me has been a game changer.
Day 5
Day 5, is about looking to the future. You know where you are right now, you may have even set a budget. But what is next for you? This is the point that alot of people stop and think that they have set a budget, its too hard and they go back into old habits. We all know that big changes aren't completed overnight and it takes time to make a habit.
You finances are never going to go away, so why not start now, and take daily small steps to building a better financial future.
So first of all we are going to clear two limiting beliefs around having a brilliant financial future;
They are:
1) The future is not brilliant
2) Its ok not to have money
Now using the Limiting Belief Release Technique, I want you to clear these two limiting beliefs from your Energy system.
Don't forget to drink a glass of water.
Once you've done this grab a piece of paper and for 5 minutes list;
1) What would a brilliant financial future mean to you?
2) What is the one action that you can take this month towards that future?
Please don't overthink this, or try to get it perfect. Reminder its quick bitesize chunks.
Day 4
Day 4, is about pulling it all together, you may or may not have realised that you have created the basics of a budget. By knowing your monthly spends, you know the minimum income you need to have to cover these, and then anything over and above can be allocated accordingly.
You may also be thinking about starting to track your income and expenses, and there are various apps that can do this, one of my favourites is You Need a Budget. Its where I track all of my income, expenses and investments, mainly because this is how my brain works, and it motivates me seeing my net worth increase.
However you may get overwhelmed with the word budget and its perfectly ok not to create a budget. The only time I would recommend 100% creating a budget and tracking, is if your expenses outweigh your income and you have no control over your spending. Then purely by tracking can you identify where your outgoings are, and take back control.
Instead I ask you to become more mindful of you finances, set regular times where you look review your bank accounts and try to automate your expenses as much as possible.
So first of all we are going to clear two limiting beliefs around taking control of your finances?
They are:
1) I am unprepared
2) I am easily distracted
Now using the Limiting Belief Release Technique, I want you to clear these two limiting beliefs from your Energy system.
Don't forget to drink a glass of water.
Once you've done this grab a piece of paper and for 5 minutes list;
1) The reasons why your finances are where you want them to be?
2) What are the action steps you can take to transform them?
Bonus: take one of the action steps today!
Please don't overthink this, or try to get it perfect. Reminder its quick bitesize chunks.
Day 3
Day 3 is all about Investment, now I’m not going to talk about stocks and shares, its more now you’ve identified ways to increase your income and decrease expenses, what are you going to do about the extra money you will have.
For me investments can be short or long term savings goals, property, stock market, or investing in myself through trainings, coaching, mastermind, websites. Basically its anything that will generate further income for you. There are income generating assets. Some may need more work than others.
One way everyone can have an income generating asset is through opening up a savings account and paying in regular amounts. This will then generate you interest (you can still get good deals even in the current market).
So first of all we are going to clear two limiting beliefs around having income generating assets
They are:
1) I don’t deserve growth
2) I get easily confused
Now using the Limiting Belief Release Technique, I want you to clear these two limiting beliefs from your Energy system.
Don't forget to drink a glass of water.
Once you've done this grab a piece of paper and for 5 minutes list;
1) All your current income generating assets
2) Where you would like to invest money to and then priorities them in order of ease.
Please don't overthink this, or try to get it perfect. Reminder its quick bitesize chunks.
Day 2
Day 2 is all about expenses. Now for me this is not about getting rid of all your expenses to the bare basics, or downgrading your food shop to the supermarket own brand. Rather its about becoming discerning with how and where you spend your money.
So although I could have the £500 handbag (or your particular weakness, me its always handbags lol), I always ask myself before spending anything do I really need this? I also have what I like to refer to as my sod-it fund, for 100% guilt free spending.
So first of all we are going to clear two limiting beliefs about becoming more discerning with our outgoings.
They are:
1) I don’t want recognition
2) I am always responsible.
Now using the Limiting Belief Release Technique, I want you to clear these two limiting beliefs from your Energy system.
Don't forget to drink a glass of water.
Once you've done this grab a piece of paper and for 5 minutes, and list
1) All your current outgoings this can be business and personal. (Use your last months bank statement/credit card as a guide)
2) Ask yourself for each transaction,
Is this an necessary expenses to my life/business ?
Does this bring joy to me?
Does this create more ease in my life?
Please don't overthink this, or try to get it perfect. Reminder its quick bitesize chunks.
If you have answered No to any of them, then its time to look at cancelling the outgoing, looking at whether another solution would be easier and cheaper, or if you could negotiate a discount.
Day 1
Welcome to Day 1 of the Financial reboot.
Day 1 is all about income, its a topic I know everyone is talking about and loves to know, is how they can make more money. I know I do!
So first of all we are going to clear two limiting beliefs around making more money.
They are:
1) I can't empower myself
2) I don't try hard enough
Now using the Limiting Belief Release Technique , I want you to clear these two limiting beliefs from your Energy system. .
Once you've done this grab a piece of paper or journal and for 5 minutes, write down;
1) The ways money is currently flowing into your life, this can be business and personal.
2) The ways/ideas that you could bring money flowing into your life.
Please don't overthink this, or try to get it perfect. Reminder its quick bitesize chunks.
First I like to introduce you my Limiting Belief Release video. This is one of my favourite techniques for clearing limiting beliefs as its super quick and powerful. This is the technique we are going to be using over the next 5 days to clear 10 limiting beliefs, 2 every day.